What to expect

One of the first questions many managers ask us is, "What will you do for me?" This is a very valid question and one that deserves a response. The basic answer is quite simple. We will save you time and increase the probability that the person you hire is what you expect them to be and will stay with your organization.

Prior to The GORGE GROUP bringing anyone to your attention, we will have prescreened every candidate. Here is how the process works.

A representative of The GORGE GROUP will take the time to find out what it is that you want this person to accomplish for you and your company. This is different from most job descriptions. The typical "job description" is actually a description of the person, i.e. MBA, 5 years experience, etc. It is not a description of what this person needs to accomplish for your organization immediately, in 6 months, in 1 year and in the long run. It is only after knowing what you need this person to do that we look at qualifications. It is our job to find someone who can do the job and not someone who has particular qualifications.

We also need to understand your unique corporate culture, the area where the employee will be based and what it is that you have to offer other than a new job. What is it about this position, this company that will make a person leave a perfectly good position, join your organization and remain there? This is vital information that many recruiters ignore.

For each candidate that we bring to you, we will have made approximately 100 phone calls (on average) to prospective candidates. We will have talked to 30 to 40 of them and completed candidate data sheets on 8 to10 possible employees. Only 2 or 3 of these candidates will be presented to you. Only 2 or 3 out of 100 possible candidates fit what you told us you wanted. Only 2 or 3 will have the desire to be with a company that has your culture, that will want the lifestyle at the location you need them and will be ready to move now.

Prior to presenting the candidate to you, we will have discussed all these factors with them. In addition, we will have checked 2 or 3 references, found out what their situation is regarding relocation, what it is that is motivating them to make a move, what motivates them to get out of bed each day and what they want from a new position. If this does not match with what you have to offer, you will never hear about them. A manager recently told us that they have had new employees show up at one of their more remote locations and the spouse refuse to get out of the car. We will have covered these issues prior to any offer being made to the candidate. The candidate and anyone else involved in the move will know what the situation is.

We will schedule and coordinate every interview. You and your staff will not need to take your valuable time to track down the candidate and schedule either a telephone interview or a visit by the candidate. We will do that.

More importantly, we will speak to the candidate IMMEDIATELY after the interview. Immediately after speaking to the candidate, we will call you and give you the candidate's feedback. You will know if the candidate wishes to proceed, what they think of the company, the opportunity, the manager, etc. You will not be in the dark and guessing as to how things went. This gives you the opportunity to make a decision as to whether or not to proceed while everything is fresh in your mind.

We will know what offer the candidate will accept. There is nothing more frustrating than finding the person that you want and then having the offer turned down. By extending the offer through The GORGE GROUP, we can advise you as to whether or not the offer will be accepted by the candidate. IF the offer is acceptable, in many instances, we will have the candidate's permission to accept on their behalf.

Let us drive the process for you. The #1 reason that most candidates are lost is that the process takes to long and the candidate begins to believe that they are not going to get an offer. They then think of reasons that they didn't want this job. By maintaining contact with the candidate and pushing the process, you will have a much higher probability of getting the person you really want.

Use The GORGE GROUP. Make us earn our fee. You will be satisfied with the results.