Frequently Asked Questions

What type of positions do you fill?

The easy answer is that we recruit from "Presidents to Processors." Here are some of the positions we've filled:

  • President
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Lending Officer
  • Cheif Credit Officer
  • Director of IT
  • Commercial Loan Officer
  • Agricultural Loan Officer
  • Mortgage Loan Officer
  • Financial Analyst
  • Manager of Consumer Loans
  • Manager of Mortgage Loans
  • Underwriter
  • Credit Analyst
  • Loan Processor
  • Branch Manager
  • Controller

Where do you find positions?

Currently, The Gorge Group has approximately 28,000 banking and credit union contacts in our database. We are in contact with roughly 5,000 of these individuals via phone or email every month. Every day, we add to this extensive database.

The Gorge Groups has signed agreements with approximately 175 Financial Institutions.

As we have close working relationships with many institutions, our client companies call many of our open positions in to us.

In addition, we are constantly staying in touch with many banks and credit unions that are not current clients. Usually, we have between sixty (60) and one hundred (100) open positions. We add new positions virtually every day.

All of our positions are "real". They are with companies that we have signed agreements with and that companies want to fill now.

What geography do you recruit in? What if I want to relocate?

The Gorge Groups primary focus is all states west of the Mississippi. However, each state has a person specifically assigned to that area. By assigning specific individuals to a specific geography, that person becomes intimately acquainted with what is happening in that state.

As the Recruiters at The Gorge Group work as a team, you will have not just one person looking for positions for you, but the entire team is aware of your interests. Most of the positions that we fill have more than one Recruiter involved.

What do you charge and who pays it?

The Client Company pays all fees. There is some variation based on the difficulty of the search; the number of positions that a Client Company estimates it will have in the next twelve (l2) months and the commitment of the Client Company to working with The Gorge Group.

How long will it take to find the right job?

  • How rare is the position you want?
  • Are you willing to relocate for the right type of career opportunity?
  • Is your compensation and benefit program requirements realistic?
  • What sets you apart from your peers? What makes you "special"?
  • How committed are you to making a move? What are you willing to invest to make it happen?

We can't answer your question until you answer ours. We have placed Candidates within two (2) weeks and it has taken as long as three and one half (3-½) years.